
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 3: My Pets

One day we went with my mother to Franklin to buy a piece of furniture, I missed a few classes to take it easy, it was literally the furniture mall, we got dizzy. After a long time we found one that we liked, we made the deal and when we were leaving, I saw a little dog with her daughter, they were both beautiful, I immediately wanted to take the little one and I asked him who she belonged to, the young man told me that she belonged to the Franklin family, and that her name was Cueca because she was born in September, but that if I could take care of her and was responsible, I could take her, then I looked at my mom who looked at everything doubtful and I begged her to adopt her. She said no.  After much insistence, she agreed and we adopted Cueca. When she had been with us for several months I realized that she was a happy dog and I changed her name to Alegria. Today, 10 years after that event, I am very grateful that I went to buy that piece of furniture. Also, a couple of weeks ago

Topic: The best holidays ever

  My favorite holidays was in Rapa Nui, with my mother and my brother in the year 2018, I had just entered college, the travel lasted one week and was amazing. We met the 15 moais and Anakena beach , the water was lukewarn and the white sand, the climate was tropical, never cold, even when it rained. Really was the paradise. The bad was the high costs, an bottle of water cost 3 times more than here. I was love go with my family and time together, we eat guayabas , as a mixture of pear and watermelon. We were not very well prepared and that was even more iconic, we did not know what we had to carry a sack of money or that we had to bring food or more shoes but now we laugh a lot about it. Everything there was beautiful. The moais are a mistery, we visited the hill where they were carved, but we still do not know how they could move so many tons to different parts of the island.