Post 4:Childhood Series

Childhood Series

 On weekends when there were no classes, I would stay up late watching Diego and Glot on channel 13, I loved that it was a Chilean animated series, and it was also very funny

I remember that in one episode they went on vacation to Chiloé, and from that moment on it was my dream to go there, and get to know the witches and the mysteries of those islands.
I saw all the chapters and I was very sad when they stopped broadcasting it, I think they didn't value it

This post made me feel a lot of emotion, who doesn't want to go back to their childhood?
I remember that Diego (the main character) would go out riding his bike with his friends and they would go through many districts of Santiago, it was very surprising for me that places that I knew, like the Mapocho station, appeared in the series, because I was used to foreign series.

This series had two seasons, one in 2005 and the other in 2009, there were only 22 episodes in total, it must have been like Grey's Anatomy, but as it was Chilean it surely had little budget.


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