Changes to my study programme

They could start by lowering the tariff.

I think that every subject that we have in the curriculum serves for something and is necessary, from each of the branches that I have had so far I have learned valuable things, besides theory, I have learned to strengthen myself and not to give up.

Yes, they are too demanding, I think, we must do many tasks, jobs and tests in the same week, sometimes for the same day and it is very stressful, I am very dreamy in education, I believe in educational freedom, without neglecting the responsibility, but I think that stressing students to the point of crying or depression, is not right, I think this educational model should have many changes.

To be able to study calmly, I think that one should be in a safe and comfortable environment, and if possible, with green areas, a tree makes the difference for me, it is not the same to study on a cement table, with a cement seat, cement floor, than on a wooden table on wet grass, with trees and listen to the sound of the birds, so it is worth studying.

I am not very fond of technology, I know very little, although it is very useful, especially the laboratory equipment, those if I like, such as chromatography or spectrum, thanks to this equipment I have learned a lot.


  1. Yes, in general here at the faculty the academic load is intense. That causes stress pictures, I know from my own experience. And as you say, green and open places help to better channel the study in that context.


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