
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2022


 Changes to my study programme They could start by lowering the tariff. I think that every subject that we have in the curriculum serves for something and is necessary, from each of the branches that I have had so far I have learned valuable things, besides theory, I have learned to strengthen myself and not to give up. Yes, they are too demanding, I think, we must do many tasks, jobs and tests in the same week, sometimes for the same day and it is very stressful, I am very dreamy in education, I believe in educational freedom, without neglecting the responsibility, but I think that stressing students to the point of crying or depression, is not right, I think this educational model should have many changes. To be able to study calmly, I think that one should be in a safe and comfortable environment, and if possible, with green areas, a tree makes the difference for me, it is not the same to study on a cement table, with a cement seat, cement floor, than on a wooden table on wet grass,

Post 6: Time travel to the future

Time travel to the future I would like to go to the turn of the century in Chile: 2100. Although I believe that the only salvation of the country, and of the whole world is in God, I think that people will realize one day that we must take care of our planet, that they will see one day that everything beautiful in Creation is being destroyed, exploited, invaded, that other species are not being respected and that we think that everything is at our disposal and for our benefit.  I think that one day that will change and everything will be different. There will be sustainable cities, supplied with sunlight, without cars because people walk or ride bicycles, buildings will be surrounded by trees, they will use the land only for what they need, and they will not intervene in other ecosystems nor will they want to take over everything I like to think that one day things will change, because now we live in a concrete jungle, but it can't be forever. I don't like the reality now, but

Post 5: My Future Job

 My future Job In the future I would like to work in a library or a museum. In the library I would like to be always on the move, either lending books, ordering books on the shelves, organizing computer workshops or reading contests, although I don't like competition and that some win and others lose, so everyone would win. I would like to dedicate a lot of work to children's reading, so that boys and girls can read and learn entire afternoons, decorate the children's room with lots of colors and comfortable armchairs, with animated books and 3D, so that they know many fantastic stories and do not think that libraries are boring. If I worked in a museum I would like to be a restorer of antiques, such as chinaware, especially I love Chilean chinaware, such as Lota, Lozapenco, with its traditional Willow, Yungay glass, among others. I would like to maintain in time the antiques, with a lot of dedication and patience, this if I would have to do it in a quiet office to be able

Post 4:Childhood Series

Childhood Series  On weekends when there were no classes, I would stay up late watching Diego and Glot on channel 13, I loved that it was a Chilean animated series, and it was also very funny I remember that in one episode they went on vacation to Chiloé, and from that moment on it was my dream to go there, and get to know the witches and the mysteries of those islands. I saw all the chapters and I was very sad when they stopped broadcasting it, I think they didn't value it . This post made me feel a lot of emotion, who doesn't want to go back to their childhood? I remember that Diego (the main character) would go out riding his bike with his friends and they would go through many districts of Santiago, it was very surprising for me that places that I knew, like the Mapocho station, appeared in the series, because I was used to foreign series. This series had two seasons, one in 2005 and the other in 2009, there were only 22 episodes in total, it must have been like Grey's